The Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies annually provides a research travel award for graduate students in British Studies. The dissertation advisor of the graduate student must be a current or former member of the MACBS and award winners will be expected to present a paper at the MACBS conference following their research travel. The award is intended for research travel expenses only. Recipients may use the award to fund travel abroad or domestically, as long as the topic being researched relates to British Studies.
Applications for the next funding cycle will be due in 2023. Submission information will be posted here.
The North American Conference on British Studies offers annual pre-dissertation grants and dissertation fellowships.
Winner for 2020-21:
Jiwon Han, CUNY Graduate Center (Advisor: Tim Alborn), for research on her dissertation, “”Anglo-Dutch Brokers, British Finance, and Social Networks in Eighteenth-Century London”
Winners for 2019-20:
Alexandra MacDonald, College of William and Mary (Advisor: Nick Popper), for research on her dissertation, “Contested Masculinities: Men, Identity, and Urban Space in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic World” ($1000)
Alison Hight, Rutgers University (Advisor: Seth Koven), for research on her dissertation, “Politics of Sovereignty, Particularity, and the State in Four-Nations and Imperial Britain, 1837-1910” ($1000)
Winners for 2018-19:
Brandon Munda, College of William and Mary (Advisor: Nick Popper), for research on his dissertation, “The Spyglass and the Mirror : Competitive Intelligence and Trans – Imperial State Formation during the War of Spanish Succession” ($1000)
Grant Kleiser, Columbia University (Advisor: Chris Brown), for research on his dissertation, “Emulating Empire: The Connected Commercial Reforms of the Spanish, French, and British Empires in the Post-Seven Years War Moment” ($1000)
Winners for 2017-18:
Marga Andersen, American University (Advisor: Laura Beers), for research on her dissertation, “Like Lions After Slumber: Challenges to Britishness by Jewish and Irish Immigrants in Late-Victorian London” ($500)
David G. Reagles, Drew University (Advisor: Jonathan Rose), for research on his dissertation, “Letters to Malcolm: Textual Communities and Religious Culture, ca. 1964-1982” ($500)
Winners for 2016-17:
Amanda Perry, Catholic University (Advisor: Laura Mayhall), for research on her dissertation, “Party Politics: The Social World of British Diplomatic Statebuilding in the Middle East, 1917-1932” ($500)
Lynneth Miller, Baylor University (Advisor: Beth Barr), for research on her dissertation, “‘Satan Danced in the Person of the Damsel’: Dance, Sacrilege, and Gender in England, 1280-1642” ($500).
Winers for 2015-16:
Craig Gallagher, History, Boston College (Advisor: Owen Stanwood), for research on his dissertation, “Covenants and Commerce: Scottish Networks and the Making of the British Atlantic World” ($500)
David Thomas, History, Temple University (Advisor: Travis Glasson), for research on his dissertation, “The Anxious Atlantic: Revolution, Murder, and a ‘Monster of a Man’ in the Eighteenth-century British Atlantic World” ($500)
Winners for 2014-15 (announced at the 2014 conference):
Sophie Muller, History, Graduate Center, City University of New York (Advisor: Timothy Alborn), for research on her dissertation, “Unmanly Masculinities: Spaces and Memories of Victorian and Edwardian Working-Class Boyhood” ($500)
Jordan Smith, History, Georgetown University (Advisor: Alison Games), for research on his dissertation, “The Invention of Rum” ($500)